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Sunday, November 27, 2011

THIRD: Paris, France

Paris was also known to the largest too. It was discovered during the later 1900's. It normally gained its name from Viking settlers and the Duke of Normandy took the throne of English in 1066. there is a day called Bastille Day, celebrated on July 14, 1789, is France's independence day. In 1789 the citizens of France stormed the Bastille, sparking the French Revolution, and the eventual dethroning of the monarchy. France's National Anthem was the tune sung by the men of Marseille as they marched to Paris in support of the revolution. Every July, the Tour de France roars through the country starting in Strasbourg and ending in Paris 2,261 miles later. One of the most unique sporting attractions in the world, legions of tourist line up along the route to support their countrymen, party, and jump about like a it's midnight on New Years Eve.

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